Are you ready to create a life that is genuinely yours, filled with fulfillment and ease?
Together, we can surpass the obstacles that have held you back and move towards clarity, confidence, and self-acceptance. Having crossed this bridge myself, it would be my privilege to guide you through your transformation.
Hi, I'm Carolina
Welcome! First off, I acknowledge you for making your way to my page and saying yes to coaching! This means you are ready to shift some patterns and up-level your life; truly saying yes to fulfillment and what it is you desire. I celebrate you in that!
It is my highest excitement to guide people like you who are ready to take action and design a life that turns them on! Coaching is your container for transformation and everything we do together will be in service to your goals. I am here to guide you towards greater clarity, confidence, and fulfillment and it all starts with you. From this place, we can create a life that is entirely aligned, and uniquely yours. A life that lights you up!
It takes courage to walk this path, and I honor you for taking this first step. Coaching is about going from good to great and moving past our preconceived conditioning, and upgrading our mindset and developing emotional mastery so that we can live life with intention and on purpose. It is my honor to serve as a guide in your transformation.

Our work together
I am dedicated to supporting you in getting free so that you can create a life filled with purpose and wonder that excites you!
A life that is woven by your unique values and interests, and is entirely aligned with who you are. I am here to guide you towards the transformation your heart has been calling for.
I use an integrated approach to coaching that typically starts off with awareness moving into acceptance and ending with aligned action. Within this broader frame we will using mindset work, emotional mastery work, somatic work, and behavioral work.
My coaching methodology is tailored to you.
It is not a one-size-fits all approach.
Everyone is different in their needs, and goals and I cater the coaching journey to whatever is most alive for you.
In order to get to the root cause, I employ an inside out approach. First we will look at thoughts that are creating emotions, which then create feelings, and ultimately behaviors. We work from the heart to the head.
I find that having an equal focus on the body as well as the mind is important as sometimes we can simply energetically resolve limitations without getting the thinking mind involved.
The one thing that all of my work has in common is that we focus on the root of your challenge to create lasting and sustainable change. Once we discover the root, and work to heal the relationship with this "blockage" it ultimately becomes your best friend, a stepping on your path to fulfill your desires.
In service to your growth,
Client Testimonials

"I am so amazed after working with Carolina. I came to her when my life felt like it was in shambles and in my career I felt stuck, too afraid to move forward. My fear of money, direction and making the “right choice” in my career kept me stuck in one spot, but after my 3 month container with Carolina I can happily say my confidence and clarity is through the roof! I went from a desk job I knew wasn’t for me to picking a new path as a personal trainer and thriving! My path now aligns with my values and skills and I couldn’t be more pleased. Before deciding on coaching, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find a new path or if this would work for me, but looking back on my experience I now have so many tools to work through my fears and doubts and turn them around so I can use them to push me forward and keep finding so much more strength within myself. I highly recommend working with Carolina, she is a light and such a great mirror to help you discover your inner thoughts and how to work through them in a healthy tangible way." Alexa Frost

"I was not making any progress in figuring out the next steps after earning my doctorate. I ended up having to to resign during my internship year at my residency program due to health concerns. Then the pandemic happened, and I spent years trying by myself to get back on track, but ended up feeling lost and unable to ask for help. I chose to isolate myself from my friends and family.
I began work with Carolina near the end of last year. This was my first experience with life coaching. I was apprehensive because I’ve only been in therapy and thought I couldn’t make any progress with my career while still feeling depressed and anxious.
After my first 3 months, with Carolina’s help I was able to be more compassionate with myself. I was able to identify the patterns and beliefs I held that were actually hindering my ability to move forward. Once I challenged these beliefs, I started feeling better. I was able to reconnect with family and friends. I had the confidence to go outside and search and sign up for volunteering experiences. I want to recommend life coaching to anyone who will listen because I’m finally feeling optimistic about re-entering my career path. I’m able to make decisions and plans on my own. I feel capable of reaching the goals I set for myself. I’m continuing work with Carolina in the new year. I believe with her guidance I will feel more confident in my efforts to change myself and, and I’m excited to see how I will improve in 2023." Amara Nnakwe
"Carolina is in her power and using her unique gifting as a life coach. She is a very good listener and her responses are helpful and affirming. Her presence is welcoming and open. Through our session together, I gained new perspective on my situation and helpful tools to move forward. You need some Carolina in your life!" Sarah Page

"Carolina has helped me in more ways that I could have imagined. I am so grateful for our time working together. I feel more aligned than ever and have broken through the patterns that kept me playing small and not going after my dreams." Jessica Hernandez
"Carolina's workshop has helped me softening into acceptance as MANY things come up. I really got a big ah-ha shift around the way my perfectionist tendencies are actually serving me and I don't have to beat myself up about having them. I guess something bigger shifted because I'm about to teach a class right now and the energy going into it feels completely different. I honestly and amazingly feel safe to show up as I am without the self criticism of a perfectionist. Thank you!" Hilary Carlisle

"I can’t say enough good things about Carolina and our time together. What started out as a journey to build my business soon turned into a journey of deeper self discovery and confidence building. She has so much knowledge and tools that she was able to navigate our conversations and dive into the depths with me no matter the topic. This made our sessions organized and productive. She guided me and helped shed light on things I didn’t even knew troubled me. She asks the hard questions but in a way that is thought provoking and disarming. I feel genuine encouragement from her but never pressure. She held me accountable, while always remaining understanding and kind. I have a greater understanding and connection to myself because of her which to me is priceless!
Thank you Caro! ." Hollan Abercrombie
"Hi Carolina. I wanted to thank you for your workshop yesterday- it was very helpful and I got a lot out of it. This morning I woke up and Karen (perfectionism) showed up as I reflected on my new roles at work, fear of disappointing the people I respect and love, etc.. I practiced the journaling technique which somehow made me feel calm about what I was feeling and move on to the next part of my day without lingering on the thoughts for long. As I was writing a response from a “motherly” voice, I had a realization that this is somewhat painful for me because of past experiences in my life that were not nurturing, therefore it is hard to direct that type of voice towards myself, or hear it when others share it with me. It felt empowering to direct it towards myself, and I am realizing I am the one I need to hear this from, and for me, the major work to be done is to change my inner dialogue and open myself up to feel the words." Anonymous